The Behavioral Sleep Center provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) for Chronic, Acute, and Co-morbid Insomnia.
If you have insomnia, CBT-I is fast, effective therapy to help you sleep more continuously and efficiently.
COMMON Insomnia traits:
Exhausted nighttime attempts (and daytime effort) to sleep better.
Frequently and unpredictably taking excessive time to fall asleep, waking in the middle of the night, and early morning awakening.
Daytime and nighttime worry about reduced focus or work productivity, due to sleepiness.
Other Related sleep issues:
Problems due to frequent on-call schedules, work travel, or jet-lag.
Problems related to stress, anxiety, depression, medical issues, and more.
Excessive daytime sleepiness and/or napping.
Insomnia Assessment / Brief Consultation
1-2 sessions, Assessment, Information about Sleep, and Resources
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
4-8 sessions, CBT-I is evidenced based therapy that addresses misconceptions about sleep. CBT-I helps you acquire new sleep habits, through interventions such as sleep efficiency training. The goal is to sleep through the night and preventing chronic insomnia relapse for the long term.
3. Higher Level Wellness for Sleep
CBT-I treatment adapted towards wellness, finding your maximum sleep and solidifying skills in relapse prevention. Explore and test the experience of finding your total sleep need.
Improved sleep can address concerns about work performance, productivity, mental and physical well-being.
Improved sleep may help alleviate concurrent issues with stress, anxiety, depression, or other medical issues.
Behavioral Sleep Center’s goal is to help individuals sleep better using a brief, standardized, and evidenced-based treatment. Behavioral Sleep Center is located in Cupertino, California.